Atelier Cir, Bronze Fine Art Foundry in the Heart of Paris
Isaure and Calvin Robinson create and restore your fine art items.
Our expertise includes a wide range of metals from bronze to brass, copper, solid silver, Babbitt (alloy), wrought iron, cast-iron.
We specialize in the restoration of chandeliers and antique light fixtures (Haute-Epoque, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries).
The following list is not exhaustive:
chandeliers, light fixtures, lanterns, ceiling lights, wall sconces, sconces, candlesticks, candelabra, candle holders, bouillotte lamps, reading lights, floor lamps, torches, pendant lamps, table lamps, desk lights…
As bronze-smelters, we restore a series of decorative accessories within our workshop:
clocks, cartels, barometer-thermometers, bronze furnishings, bronze statuaries, sculptures, putti, ink pots, planters, cassolette pans, mantelpiece ornaments, bronze fireplaces, bronze decorative features, andirons, cups, bronze mounted vases, medals, ornaments, incense burners and other bronze mounted objects.
Please scroll down the page to check out our latest news, learn about bronze casting and our craft.

A Few Words About Atelier CIR, our Bronze and Lighting Workshop

Before opening his own business 10 years ago, Calvin Robinson was trained in renowned Paris-based workshops.
Woodwork and carpentry workshops, foundries, iron workshops and others specialized in chasing, gilding and bronze mounting.…
He first started as a cabinetmaker then moved to light and chandelier manufacturing. Passionate about 18th century decorative arts, he joined Parisian craft workshops.
All these years, he learned the traditional know-how and diverse techniques related to bronze work.
Antique lover, CIR workshop restores your artifacts with a sense of taste, style and sensibility to give them a second life.
Bronze craft is an absolute artistic passion he passed to his wife Isaure.
They have worked together hand in hand for several years to keep bronze craftsmanship alive.

Our Values

We are accustomed to working with renowned customers, so we know how to act with the utmost discretion.

We have built confidence-based relationships with clients for many years from individuals to professionals, museums, antique dealers, prestigious places in downtown Paris including luxury hotels and palaces.

We handle the item you gave to us for repair with care and respect. Every restoration is handmade, consistent with the style, time period and history of the artifact. We perpetuate French traditional know-how.

Quality of Work
We are very meticulous with our work and demanding with ourselves. We guarantee you high-end and qualitative work.e.
Our Expertise
Restoration of chandeliers and antique light fixtures
CIR workshop is specialized in restoring and repairing chandeliers and other light fixtures.
We bring your prestigious bronze piece back to its former glory following French traditional restoration techniques.
Our services include :
- Appraisal
- Disassembling
- Transportation
- Restoration /repair work
- Reassembling
The restoration of chandeliers :
Here’s a series of restoration work we can provide :
- Repair: brazing, threading…
- Recreating missing parts (recasting if necessary)
- Cleaning crystals plus gilding and patina
- Direct or indirect electrification (electric conversion) and lighting in accordance with French or US standards
- Replacement of damaged or missing crystals by old crystals
- Patina
Restoration of Bronze Objects
CIR workshop restore bronze items.
Our process is based on a traditional craft know-how inherited from 18th century techniques. We handle your good with care, knowledge and respect for its historical value.
The restoration of bronze :
The restoration of ancient bronzes includes:
• Appraisal
• Disassembling
• Repair: brazing, threading…
• Recreating missing parts (recasting if necessary)
• Cleaning of elements: gilding, silver-plating, varnish, patina…
• Gilding (mercury nitrate, gold-leaf gilding)
• Reassembling
Intervention Zone
We can conduct on-site restorations depending on possibilities and the nature of the work to carry out.
Thanks to our own artistic sense and mastery in bronze casting, we create unique pieces. You have an idea for a new creation? You are looking for a tailor-made bronze object?
About Bronze Casting
We are committed to preserving the ancestral know-how of French bronze-smelters.
We think it’s important to teach more about our, sometimes little-known, handicraft.
We outline below some key aspects of the job.

Appraisal of Goods
First and foremost, we appraise the characteristics of your good so we can restore it in an authentic way. Any bronze restoration varies according to the original period of the good and its related artistic style.

Network of skilled professionals
We collaborate with other professionals from time to time depending on the nature the restoration work. We rely on a network of craftsman partners qualified in their respecting fields:
- Glasswork: : crystal makers, glass bending specialists, mirror-makers, glassblowers…
- Metalwork : chiselers, gilders, smelters…
- and more: engravers, marble-masons, polishing workers, lampshade makers, cabinetmakers…

Quality of Expertise
As bronze-smelter, we use techniques inherent to our craft. Let’s take the restoration of chandeliers, an area that we specialize in, as an example.
- Disassembling/ Reassembling:
- Cleaning
- Burnishing
- Metal patina
- Electrification (Electric conversion):
- Assembling crystals and pendants
- Gold Leaf Gilding / Silvering
Gold Leaf Gilding / Silvering,
A craft in its own right. We practice the delicate and fragile gold leaf laying technique within our workshop. It can be a limited restoration of gilding elements that have partially faded or peeled off over the years or a complete do-over of the damaged bronze and chandelier frames.
Assembling crystals and pendants
It is a work of art, art jewelry to be precise. Crystals are put together with harmony adding charm to your chandelier. In any restoration, we assemble elements while taking the style and period of your chandelier into account.
With burnishers and agate stones. Burnishing is a finish-polishing technique used on gilded and silvered bronzes. It restores gilding to their original glory.
Metal patina
The art of coloring bronze pieces with the tone you like. We practice different patina techniques within our workshop (blowtorch, immersion…) coupled with professional products used to get the desired shade. Diverse patinas can be applied following this technique: green, red, light or dark brown, black…
Disassembling/ Reassembling
Somewhat delicate step that requires precaution and experience.
Electrification (Electric conversion)
Electrical standards have considerably changed since electricity was discovered and are constantly evolving. We wire and rewire chandeliers and light fixtures including 18th century (and older) chandeliers originally lighted by candles as well as 19th century lamps once powered by gas. Wires used to electrify antique fixtures are as discrete as possible fading into the background. Electrical equipment is shaped like wax candles. This way, chandeliers have their former glory restored.
Dual ignition (twin-circuit) wiring is also proposed. We install indirect (electrical) lighting systems to sublimate your chandelier from the inside. Concretely speaking, it means putting up hidden lights on your chandelier. We are entitled to electrify your light fixtures in accordance with both European and US standards.
Each material has its own cleaning rules! It’s important to follow each technique specific to each material throughout the restoration process to ensure better results.

Chandeliers, Prestigious Light Fixtures, Symbols of Luxury and Success.
We restore chandeliers and light fixtures from all styles and periods.
Key Elements of a Chandelier
Light sources :
Lighting technologies have changed quite a bit in History.
Chandeliers relied on candles from the medieval era to the 18th century before the development of Gas lighting in the 19th century.
By the end of this century, chandeliers were adorned with fake candles and flame light bulbs (flameless candles). The transition from candle chandeliers to lightbulb chandeliers was fueled by the democratization of electricity.
Bronze :
Bronze is an alloy of multiple metals with different proportions varying between bronze pieces. It includes copper, lead, tin and zinc. Bronze has high wear resistance. Its specific color reflects the composition of its alloy. Coating techniques (for metal finishing) can be used to color the alloy (patina, gilding…).
Legendary chandelier :

- Couronne
- Enfillage – Fut
- Guirelande – Cristal chaîne
- Bougie
- Pampille – Pendeloque
- Binet
- Bobèche
- Coupelle – Bassin
- Bras de lumière
- Boule – Quille
Chandelier Styles

Dutch chandeliers 19th century
Baccarat crystal chandeliers
Our Everyday Tips on How to Clean and Take Care of your Chandelier
Chandeliers are (by nature) precious and fragile items, tough to reach and handle. If you are thinking of cleaning your chandelier, you should seek professional help. Do not attempt to unhook your chandelier from ceiling yourself if you do not have the proper equipment or don’t consider yourself as an expert in removing hanging lights. You may prevent an accident from happening. Having said that, there is few actions you can do every day to keep your chandelier bright.
To take care of bronze parts, you need a soft skin brush or brush so you can brush each piece of bronze with it, nooks and crannies included. Chemicals are useless and, in some cases, inappropriate. The gilding and patina of your chandelier may be damaged as a result.
To make crystals clean again, grab a cloth you previously moistened with hot water and soap. Pass the well-wrung rag on each pendant of your chandelier. If marks remain, repeat the process as many times as necessary while reducing the amount of soap in the water.
These cleaning tips must be implemented as often as you want depending on the state of conservation of your chandelier and its hanging location.